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曾思博,男,广西桂林市人。2021年7月毕业于柏林自由大学地球科学学院,获自然科学博士学位。现任西南大学地理科学学院教授,主要开设《基础地质学》、《地理信息技术》以及《地理模型与模拟》等课程。主要从事岩溶动力学、生物地球化学、岩溶水文生态、碳循环等方面的研究工作。已在Nature Communications、Earth-Science Reviews、Global Biogeochemical Cycles、Global and Planetary Change、Journal of Hydrology、科学通报等国内外核心期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。研究主要揭示了全球碳酸盐风化行为的环境驱动机制,评估了岩溶区生物泵的碳限制与富营养化缓解效应,提出了基于土地利用的碳酸盐风化碳汇调控有效方式。


Zeng, S., Sun, H., Liu, Z*., Goldscheider, N., Frank, S., Goeppert, N., Zhao, M., Zeng, H., Han, C., 2024. Changes in the limiting nutrients and dominant phytoplankton communities of three major European rivers: Response to catchment lithologies and human activities. Journal of Hydrology. 637, 131362.

Chai, Q., Zeng, S*., Liu, Z*., Sun, H., He, H., Chen, B., Zhao, M., Zeng, C., 2024. High stability of carbonate weathering relevant carbon sink under biological pump effect in inland waters: Insight from Shawan Karst Experimental Site, Southwest China. Applied Geochemistry. 169, 106059.

Wu, Z., Lv, T., Zeng, S., Zhang, X., Wu, H., Luo, S., Bai, Y., Zhang, Y., Jiang Y., 2024. Differential responses in water-use strategies of evergreen (Ligustrum lucidum) and deciduous (Robinia pseudoacacia) trees to tunnel excavation in a subtropical karst trough valley. Journal of Hydrology. 636, 131323.

Tian, X., Wu, W., Zeng, S., Li, Y., Jiang, Y., 2024. Differences in soil water movement between the dip and anti-dip slopes of a karst trough valley. Journal of Hydrology. 636, 131246.

Zeng, S., Jiang, Y*., Wu, Z., Zhang, C., Lv, T., 2023. Declining trees growth and vegetation productivity resulting from decreasing soil water contents induced by tunnels excavation in karst mountain areas. Ecological Indicators. 154, 110555.

Tian, X., Long, X., Luo, S., Cao, M., Li, J., Sun, Y., Zeng, S., Wu, Z., Liu, C., Lei, L., Algeo, T.J., Jiang, Y., 2023. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology. 624, 111654.

曾思博, 刘再华*. 我国岩溶碳汇和在非岩溶区播散碳酸盐粉的碳中和潜力研究. 科学通报, 2022, 67: 1-14.

Zeng, S*., Kaufmann, G., Liu, Z., 2022. Natural and anthropogenic driving forces of carbonate weathering and the related carbon sink flux: a model comparison study at global scale. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 36, e2021GB007096.

Zeng, S., Liu, Z*., Chris, G., 2022. Large-scale CO2 removal by enhanced carbonate weathering from changes in land-use practices. Earth-Science Reviews. 225, 103915.

Zeng, S., Liu, Z., Goldscheider, N., Frank, S., Goeppert, N., Kaufmann, G., Zeng, C., Zeng, Q., Sun, H., 2021. Comparisons on the effects of temperature, runoff, and land-cover on carbonate weathering in different karst catchments: insights into the future global carbon cycle. Hydrogeology Journal. 29, 331-345.

Zeng, S., Liu, Z*., Kaufmann, G*., 2019. Sensitivity of the global carbonate weathering carbon-sink flux to climate and land-use changes. Nature Communications. 10, 5749.

Zeng, S., Liu, H*., Liu, Z., Kaufamnn, G., Zeng, Q., Chen, B., 2019. Seasonal and diurnal variations in DIC, NO3- and TOC concentrations in spring-pond ecosystems under different land-uses at the Shawan Karst Test Site, SW China: Carbon limitation of aquatic photosynthesis. Journal of Hydrology. 574, 811-821.

Liu, Z*., Macpherson, G.L., Groves C., Martin, J.B., Yuan, D., Zeng, S., 2018. Large and active CO2 uptake by coupled carbonate weathering. Earth-Science Reviews, 182, 42-49.

Zeng, Q., Liu, Z*., Chen, B., Hu, Y., Zeng, S., Zeng, C., Yang, R., He, H., Zhu, H., Cai, X., Chen, J., Ou, Y., 2017. Carbonate weathering-related carbon sink fluxes under different land uses: A case study from the Shawan Simulation Test Site, Puding, Southwest China. Chemical Geology, 474, 58-71.

Chen, B., Yang, R., Liu, Z*., Sun, H., Yan, H., Zeng, Q., Zeng, S., Zeng, C., Zhao, M., 2017. Coupled control of land uses and aquatic biological processes on the diurnal hydrochemical variations in the five ponds at the Shawan Karst Test Site, China: Implications for the carbonate weathering-related carbon sink. Chemical Geology, 456, 58-71.

Zeng, S., Jiang, Y*., Liu, Z*., 2016. Assessment of climate impacts on the karst-related carbon sink in SW China using MPD and GIS. Global and Planetary Change. 144, 171-181.


1. 国家自然科学基金(青年基金), 岩溶区不同土地利用下生物泵稳碳-固碳效应对比研究,2024/01-2026/12,主持.

2. 重庆市留学人员回国创业创新支持计划(优秀类),基于生物碳泵效应的喀斯特地区城市河流富营养化缓解技术研究,2023/01-2024/12,主持.

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费(启动项目),气候和土地利用对岩溶碳汇形成的耦合影响机理研究,2022-06至2025-12,主持.

